Whiplash Team, 29th July, 2022
Best reads July 2022
Here we have a short selection of the month’s best reads for brand lovers like you to enjoy during the summer. We’ll be here waiting for you back in September!
Influencers lose consumer confidence when buying online
Users trust consumer opinions more than those of influencers when buying online. Women don’t mind being “chased” by online ads while men do. These are some of the conclusions of the online survey, undertaken by the consulting firm, Exprimenet, carried out on internet users in Spain. (ES)
Growth is the issue
Although growth remains a top priority for corporate boards, for many organisations it remains an elusive goal. In fact, around a quarter of companies do not grow at all. This collection of articles from the consulting firm McKinsey explains how executives and their companies can benefit from the next wave of economic growth. (EN)
Richard Branson’s strategy for growth
This Brandingmag article discusses Richard Branson’s strategy of putting his employees before customers and shareholders as a strategy to ensure business growth. (EN)
The corporate purpose now has legal status
In the context of the Create and Grow Law project, the Spanish Congress of Deputies approved the creation of a new legal figure, the so-called Common Benefit and Interest Companies (SBIC). The companies that have this specific legal recognition will be those that in their articles of association include the triple objective of generating economic, social and environmental value and demonstrating the performance of all of them in a transparent way. (ES)