Whiplash Team, July 31st, 2020
Best reads July 2020
Here we suggest a short selection of readings for passionate branders like you to enjoy during the holidays. See you back in September!
The relevance of differentiation is essential in a market saturated with supply. Brand Strategy Insider provides the keys to establish a differentiation strategy that leaves no one indifferent. (EN)
Consumers take into account the contribution of brands to society
The Marketing Directo magazine interviews Àngels Escobar, General Director of Arena Media Barcelona, and Xavier Cuadrat, Marketing Director of RB Hygiene of Spain and Portugal, about the #PorUnFuturoConAgua campaign for Finish. They tell us how this campaign came about and what objectives the company seeks to achieve with it. (SP)
The third edition of the Breakthrough Brands 2020 report (Interbrand) has kept track of 30 brands that represent the forefront in various sectors such as fitness, food, science, or law in the US market. Big news: the epicentre of innovation changes residence. Goodbye to Silicon Valley and its technology companies. (SP)
The great business cases that have been hit by COVID-19
Some emblematic brands of the collaborative economy like Uber or Airbnb, or fast fashion like Primark, which due to the high turnover of its inventory did not have an online sales channel, are suffering the effects of the crisis caused by the pandemic. (SP)
Will CEOs change the way they act due to the pandemic?
The consulting firm McKinsey presents us with a report that attempts to answer the question of whether business leaders will take advantage of this opportunity to build something new from an unique moment in history or return to their old habits. (EN)