Whiplash Team, 18th December 2020
Positive change for a better year
2020 has undoubtedly been a disruptive year for everyone on a global scale. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a social and economic impact on the world and its consequences will remain for a long time to come. Despite the difficulties, here at BrandSmith we have continued down our path of growth and evolution. We also wanted to make our contribution to shaping the new reality through the series Positive change for the day after.
For everybody this has been a year of learning and of change, in our manner of behaving, living, working, studying, and relating with others. For companies and brands, 2020 has meant a forced adaptation to a volatile environment full of uncertainty, marked by a gigantic leap towards a digital world regarding the way we work and in consumers’ purchasing habits too. But not just that. It has also implied structural changes in supply chains, in the B2B relationship, in business and production models, and a greater scrutiny from consumers regarding the sustainability of brands and the consistency between their storytelling and their actions.
From BrandSmith we wanted to contribute with our bit in shaping this new post-pandemic reality through the series of video interviews Positive change for the day after. Over the course of seven weeks, our CEO and founder Christopher Smith, spoke with experts, friends, clients and collaborators, to explore together the options we have now, when rebuilding starts and introduce positive changes that could lead to the reconfiguration of reality to create a more responsible sustainable socio-economical model together. We thank Eduardo Laseca, Javier Fernández Aguado, Ángel Escribano, Francis Paniego, Rogelio Pozo, José Aguilar, Juan Ángel García, Eduardo Rojas Briales, Antonio Mateo, Rodrigo Silva-Ramos, Antoni Trasobares, and Celestino Martínez, who generously shared their thoughts on how to redesign society with us.
For his part, Christopher has continued his activity as a lecturer participating in various events such as the recent virtual forum “Building the future: sustainability, business, society and consumers”, organized by PEFC Spain, where together with Yolanda Fernández, director of Corporate Social Responsibility and External Communication of Alcampo, Susana Posada, Head of Institutional Communication and Responsible Business of Leroy Merlin, Ana Gascón, Director of Corporate Social Responsibility of Coca-Cola Iberia, they talked about the importance of incorporating sustainability as a core part of brands.
Summarizing, it has been a year during which, despite the challenge posed by lockdown and the complexity of managing the new normal, we have continued down our path of growth and evolution, bringing value to our clients, adding new experiences, seeking new opportunities, and taking on new projects with enthusiasm. We thank you for the trust you have placed in us, which drives us to continue growing!
We thus say goodbye to 2020 and welcome 2021 with hope and optimism. We will be waiting for you here in January to continue sharing our passion for brands.