Whiplash Team 24th June 2022

Best reads June 2022

Here we share a short selection of the best reads for brand lovers like you to enjoy over the weekend.

What makes a good CEO in the 21st century?

The consulting firm McKinsey answers this question through the results of interviews with 67 of the 200 most successful CEOs around the globe. Although there is no simple recipe for success, simplicity is a virtue. In this article you will find the keys to being a good CEO in the 21st century. (EN)

In Spain more than 50% of consumers approve that their data can be used for commercial purposes

PuroMarketing analyses the results of a survey carried out by Appinio to discover how much Spaniards know about how brands use their data and how aware they are about the use of this data for commercial purposes. The results are surprising. (ES)

That wonderful link between brands and feelings

Too often brands focus on the differentiating features of their products and completely fail to answer the simple question: How do we want to make people feel? The article in Brand Strategy Insider  explores why the emotion, created through functionality and coupled with brand story, is one of the most important factors in message construction. (EN)

Sustainability first

Brands on a global scale are putting sustainability at the forefront of their strategies. Why? This article in Recounter gathers the results of a round table with corporate leaders where they discussed the ways in which sustainability affects each and every part of a business. One of the conclusions was that to incorporate sustainability, an organisation must align operations, culture, leadership commitment- and communications. (EN)

Link, purpose and ‘big data’: the keys to the new ‘marketing’

Currently, what is known as Postmarketing or New Marketing, broken down into the 10 updated principles of Phillip Kotler, has set itself the goal of going from the idea of ​​selling more to the idea of selling better. The objective is not only to increase income, but to convey a purpose that remains, that provides emotional value to the consumer. Forbes magazine analyses this change of perspective in the marketing world. (ES)

Brand relevance, a new growth indicator

OMD Spain and Annalect, the data, technology and marketing science division of Omnicom Media Group, have presented ‘Pulsing Brands’, a study that analyses how the consumer perceives brand relevance and weighs its impact on purchase intention. The results of the study show that relevance builds purchase intention to a greater extent than notoriety. (ES)

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