Whiplash Team / Francesca Cordido, July 7th 2023

Brands, purpose, and positioning

In today’s world, brand positioning is essential to achieve success and stand out. But what does positioning a brand really mean? And why is it so important to have a well-defined purpose?

Brand positioning refers to how consumers perceive and recognize a company, product, or service in relation to its competitors. It is the mental image formed in consumers’ minds when they hear or see a brand name. Effective positioning creates an emotional connection with customers and helps differentiate a company from its competitors.

A fundamental part of achieving successful positioning is having a clear purpose. That is, a well-defined reason for existence, as it is the foundation upon which the entire brand strategy is built. Without a clear purpose, a company runs the risk of becoming just another one among a sea of similar competitors and failing to connect meaningfully with its customers.

The importance of purpose

First, a clear purpose helps guide all decisions and actions of a company. It acts as a timeless compass that sets the direction and enables the brand to stay focused on its goal. When a company has a clear purpose, all stakeholders, both internal and external, can understand and align with the brand’s vision.

Furthermore, a well-defined purpose can be a powerful motivator for both employees and customers. Employees feel more engaged and motivated when they work for a company that has a purpose that goes beyond mere profit-making. An inspiring purpose can drive creativity and innovation, as well as foster a positive work environment.

Moreover, consumers are increasingly interested in following brands with a clear purpose, ones that are not solely dedicated to selling their products or services. Nowadays, users seek authentic companies that are responsible and contribute positively to society.

A defined purpose can help build a deeper and more lasting relationship with customers, generating loyalty and preference for the brand.

For example, Nike expresses its purpose through its slogan “Just Do It.” Its reason for existence is to inspire and motivate athletes worldwide. In doing so, it has positioned itself as a source of empowerment and personal achievement, associating with elite athletes and promoting relevant social causes.

From purpose to positioning

Thus, a clear purpose guides a company’s actions and decisions, motivates employees, and attracts customers seeking a deeper connection with the brands they consume. But there’s more to it…

When positioning a brand, it is important to conduct a thorough analysis of its target market, identify consumers’ needs and desires, and understand how the brand can uniquely meet those needs. This involves developing a strong value proposition that highlights the brand’s benefits and distinctive values.

Additionally, effectively communicating the brand’s purpose and value proposition through all marketing channels is essential, including branding, advertising, social media, and public relations.

Another key aspect of brand positioning is consistency. A successful brand maintains a consistent image and a unified message in all interactions with customers. This entails ensuring that all brand elements, such as the logo, slogan, colors, and tone of voice, are aligned and convey the same message and personality.

A constant process

Furthermore, brand positioning is not a static process. It requires constant monitoring and adaptation to remain relevant in an ever-changing business environment.

Brands must be attentive to market trends, changes in consumer preferences, and new business opportunities. This means being willing to adjust and pivot the positioning strategy as necessary.

Staying attuned to market trends and adapting as needed is crucial to maintaining a strong market position. Ultimately, a well-positioned brand with a clear purpose is more likely to thrive and make a lasting impact.

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